Hotels - Hospitality Industry - Vending Machines

The best water for every application

if the water is right, the results will be right: fuller flavour coffees and teas, crispy bread and pastries as well as
sparkling dishes.
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Hotels - hospi­tality industry - Vending Machines

Best water

Not all water is the same

Water is a central element in the hospitality industry and hotel industry. Almost every sip and every bite a guest takes involves water. Coffee and tea have a fuller aroma when the right water is used. Steam trans­forms pastries into a crisp, fragrant deli­cacy.

The following motto applies espe­cially in the kitchen: if the water is right, the results will be right. Bread gets a crispy crust, vegeta­bles retain their vita­mins and appetising colour, roasts thrill the taste buds with a juicy centre and crispy outside and treat the nose to the deli­cious aroma of roast food. After meals, the right water ensures immac­u­late results when washing dishes, glasses and cutlery. BWT custom-​treats your water to suit the specific usage and quality of the local water.

Water opti­mi­za­tion for hot bever­ages

If the espresso disappoints your guest after a dinner, the whole meal may fall below the connoisseur's standards. So, whether you run a coffee shop or a gourmet restaurant, the principle is: if you want to impress discerning diners, only the very finest flavours will do. And BWT can help you do that.

The best coffee made from perfect water

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Water opti­mi­za­tion in the vending machine busi­ness

Success in the vending machine sector depends on water quality

Modern coffee machine sales are booming. Tradi­tional, fully auto­matic and self-​serve vending machines have now achieved a quality that perfectly captures the variety of aromas found in speciality coffees. However, advances in the perfor­mance of vending machines has seen expec­ta­tions rise in rela­tion to water quality, which is crucial for perfect coffee enjoy­ment. If you want to increase the high quality of your vending prod­ucts, you need the best water. This is true what­ever the local condi­tions.

The right product for every water require­ment
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Water opti­mi­za­tion for steam cooking & baking

The best water enables airy baked goods with a crispy crust to be produced, while vegetables retain both the appetising colour and their nutritional value, and roasts get a juicy centre and develop a fine aroma.

The best water for perfect results in combination steamers and ovens

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Baking fresh bread

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