An easy solu­tion at your finger­tips

BWT Best Water Profes­sional app

The app for smart­phone or tablet makes choosing a suit­able filter system for the specific require­ments of users, tech­ni­cians, coffee machine dealers or vending oper­a­tors an absolute breeze.
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BWT Best Water Profes­sional


The smart product consul­tant

Every kind of water has its own mineral compo­si­tion, depending on where it comes out of the tap. Some­times, it may be too hard or soft, and often contains unwanted chlo­rine compounds or unpleasant flavours. This explains why coffee can some­times taste unpleasant even if the basic ingre­di­ents are good.

The good news: The BWT Best Water Profes­sional app for smart­phone or tablet allows you to quickly and easily find the right product for you.

As such, users at the point of water use can rest assured, as BWT water+more opti­mi­sa­tion systems trans­form any untreated water into the ideal water for coffee-​making, in which the flavours can develop unhin­dered. At the same time, they also protect the machine against limescale and corro­sion.

The BWT Best Water Profes­sional app lets you keep a watchful eye on suit­able BWT water+more prod­ucts – from anywhere, at any time:

An app that caters your partic­ular needs, whether it's local water quality, the amount of water required or a specific customer appli­ca­tion – it's remark­ably simple, fast, secure and comfort­able:

  • Enter the local water hard­ness, appli­ca­tion and usage,
  • and suit­able filters are displayed, with the opti­mal size and the replace­ment date.
  • To top all this off, there's prac­tical advice and infor­ma­tion about water opti­mi­sa­tion.
  • Direct contact with your BWT water+more contacts
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