Boost the culi­nary perfor­mance of your combi­na­tion steamers and ovens.

Steam cooking & baking equip­ment

Because the right supply of steam produces perfect rolls, crois­sants, etc. every time. And at the same time, you will protect your appli­ances and avoid down­times. What could be better?
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Water opti­mi­za­tion for
combi­na­tion steamers and ovens

The contem­po­rary produc­tion of culi­nary special­i­ties in the hospi­tality industry and the bakery trade would be impos­sible without the gentle and effec­tive cooking and baking tech­nology used in modern combi­na­tion steamers and ovens. The use of a fine, highly heated steam mist has expanded the range of cooking and baking methods enor­mously.

The new all-​round special­ists in demanding commer­cial appli­ca­tions still rely on top-​class water quality. Any unde­sir­able compo­nent in the water limits produc­tivity and impedes top perfor­mance. In the worst case, it can also affect the cooking process or even the baked goods them­selves. Exploit the full poten­tial of your appli­ances.

Your bene­fits

The all-​rounder in
water opti­mi­sa­tion

Our BWT bestmax is a real all-​rounder for use in combi­na­tion steamers and ovens. The all-​round filtra­tion solu­tion provides the best possible water in a highly effi­cient way as the basis for perfectly puri­fied steam. BWT bestmax with "High-​Efficiency-Tech­nology" (HET) supports the baking process in the best possible way because the compact filter cartridge removes lime and other unde­sir­able substances from the water.

The end prod­ucts thus have a consis­tently good flavour, and the perfor­mance of the ovens remains high over the long term. At the same time, as much as possible has been done to protect equip­ment, because limescale deposits are not given a chance to clog the micro-​nozzles of the high-​end cooking tech­nology. This is even possible with raw water with high salt and calcium sulphate levels and when large volumes of water are required.

Prod­ucts for optimum cooking & baking

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