BWT and ALPINE F1 team combine forces in strategic part­ner­ship aimed at sustain­ability drive


11.February 2022, 11:00 Formula 1, Sport, Company
Pink is back in Formular 1
Pink is back in Formular 1
Alpine F1 Team and BWT, one of the leading suppliers of water treat­ment systems world­wide, are delighted to announce a strategic, long-​term part­ner­ship. BWT becomes the title partner of Alpine F1 Team from the 2022 season onwards, with the team becoming BWT Alpine F1 Team.
  • BWT and Alpine F1 Team have signed a strategic, long-​term part­ner­ship, which will see the Austrian water treat­ment supplier become the title partner of Alpine F1 Team from 2022
  • The French team will become known as BWT Alpine F1 Team with imme­diate effect
  • Renowned pink colour of BWT will be incor­po­rated into Alpine’s famous blue livery
  • BWT and Alpine will work together to spread the message of sustain­ability around the world util­ising the combined global plat­forms of Formula 1 and the auto­mo­tive industry
Pink is back in Formular 1

Demon­strating our unwa­vering commit­ment to sustain­ability and inno­va­tion, vibrant PINK is gearing up again in 2024. Together with the BWT Alpine F1 Team we are leaving our mark not only on the tracks but in every strategic deci­sion we make.

The recent Car Launch Event in London was a spec­tac­ular show­case, unveiling the brand-​new BWT Alpine A524 Formula 1 race cars. This presen­ta­tion show­cased a capti­vating fusion of Alpine blue, bold BWT logos, and our signa­ture color PINK, giving our racing cars a distinc­tive char­acter. What’s even more thrilling is that in 8 selected races of the 2024 Formula 1 season, both of our drivers will hit the tracks in PINK-​liveried cars. This embodies BWT’s vision to “Change the World – sip by sip” and goes beyond, illus­trating how inno­va­tion can drive posi­tive change, both on and off the track. Because PINK is more than a color. PINK is an atti­tude.

“I think it defi­nitely brought light to the mission and obvi­ously the car is seen around the world, the pink is very attrac­tive to the eye and every­body is trying to learn more about this part­ner­ship and under­stand exactly what we are after. So, I think it is a posi­tive change inter­nally inside the whole team, but also with the message that we share at all the races around the world we go to,“ says Pierre Gasly.

BWT has been providing invalu­able support in the world of sports. We have installed water bars in the paddocks, offering the entire BWT Alpine F1 team, along with its drivers Pierre Gasyl and Esteban Ocon, the best BWT miner­al­ized water. Utilizing glob­ally patented tech­nolo­gies that miner­alize local water and enrich it with valu­able minerals and trace elements such as magne­sium, zinc, and sili­cate, BWT ensures the highest quality of water. This not only elim­i­nates the need for single-​use plastic or glass bottles but also reduces both CO2 emis­sions and plastic waste. By doing so, BWT is making a splash, guar­an­teeing that everyone can enjoy the bene­fits of the PINK lifestyle.

“Anyone that comes by our hospi­tality or our team can see the small actions with great impact we're doing and by reducing our plastic usage and it goes to our fans following us around the world through social media, through talks that we have like today and more events that we are doing at some race­tracks as well,” says Esteban Ocon.

Once again, BWT posi­tions our planet's valu­able resource – WATER – in pole posi­tion and remains stead­fast in its commit­ment to the fight for change.



About Alpine F1 Team

Alpine F1 Team competes in the FIA Formula One World Cham­pi­onship with Grand Prix winner Esteban Ocon and two-​time World Cham­pion Fernando Alonso. Led by Laurent Rossi, the team won the Hungarian Grand Prix in its first year of compe­ti­tion in 2021 and scored a podium finish at the Qatar Grand Prix to finish fifth in the Construc­tors' Cham­pi­onship. Alpine is the French sports car brand founded in 1955 by Jean Rédélé and is today Renault Group’s dedi­cated brand for inno­v­a­tive, authentic and exclu­sive sports cars. An enlarged Busi­ness Unit allows Alpine to benefit from the heritage and exper­tise of its historic Dieppe plant as well as the engi­neering exper­tise of the Alpine F1 Team, Alpine Racing and Alpine Cars.

About BWT

The Best Water Tech­nology Group is Europe’s leading water tech­nology company with a staff of more than 5,500, working on inno­v­a­tive, economic and ecolog­i­cally friendly water treat­ment tech­nolo­gies to provide private house­holds, industry, commerce, hotels and munic­i­pal­i­ties with the safest, health­iest and most hygienic water possible for their day-​to-day needs. BWT provides modern water treat­ment systems and services for drinking water, process water, pool water and, espe­cially, WFI – water for injec­tion for the phar­ma­ceu­tical and biotech industry. The company’s research and devel­op­ment staff works on new tech­niques and mate­rials using cutting-​edge methods to develop econom­ical and ecolog­i­cally friendly prod­ucts. Employees work partic­u­larly hard to create prod­ucts which use fewer resources and less energy, thereby reducing CO2 emis­sions.

Sustain­ability is in BWT’s DNA, and every BWT product contributes to the conser­va­tion of our most valu­able resource, water. BWT’s Claim – For You and Planet Blue – is today more rele­vant than ever before, given the chal­lenges our society faces world­wide today.  With its unique and patented water treat­ment tech­nolo­gies, BWT contributes every day to “Change the World – sip by sip” – not only through the creation of “Bottle Free Zones” but also with its world­wide leading know how in the devel­op­ment and produc­tion of high-​performance membranes for the fuel cell – the energy converter of the 21st century.