BWT bestmin PREMIUM + BWT besthead FLEX
BWT bestmin PREMIUM + BWT besthead FLEX


The reminer­aliser down­stream of reverse osmosis

More infor­ma­tion
  • Special filter system for reminer­al­ising water that is virtu­ally salt-​free
  • Ideal in combi­na­tion with the BWT bestaqua MIN system for raw water with high salt and chlo­ride content
  • Creates a balanced mineral content in the water with higher magne­sium content
  • Delivers the perfect water for producing hot bever­ages with top sensory attrib­utes
  • Also ideal for soft water areas • Effi­cient also for serving high water demand
  • Simple instal­la­tion via universal BWT best­head FLEX connec­tion tech­nology

Product details

BWT bestmin PREMIUM is a unique filter system specially designed to miner­alise water that is virtu­ally free of salts. BWT bestmin PREMIUM is an inte­gral compo­nent of the compact BWT bestaqua MIN system's reverse osmosis unit, a clever combi­na­tion of reverse osmosis and down­stream reminer­al­i­sa­tion, specially devel­oped for raw water with high salt and chlo­ride content.

This filter not only removes unde­sir­able compo­nents such as partic­u­lates and substances that lend an unpleasant taste or odour, such as chlo­rine, but also features a special miner­al­i­sa­tion unit that refines low-​mineral raw water to create a finely miner­alised gourmet drinking water ideal for making any hot bever­ages and coffee special­i­ties. Further­more, in regions where sourced water is predom­i­nantly soft water, BWT bestmin PREMIUM can also be used to reminer­alise raw water for general use in the restau­rant and catering industry.

Tech­nical advan­tages of BWT bestmin PREMIUM at a glance:

  • Multi-​stage filtra­tion
  • Inte­grated active carbon filtra­tion
  • Filtra­tion of all treated water
  • Ease of handling when replacing the filter
  • High filter capacity
  • BWT reminer­al­i­sa­tion for higher magne­sium content
  • Simple instal­la­tion via universal BWT best­head FLEX connec­tion tech­nology

Tech­nical details

Connec­tion thread (in/out)  vari­able (1)
Inlet pres­sure, min. – max. in bar  2–8 
Water temper­a­ture, min. – max. in °C  4–30 
Ambient temper­a­ture, min. – max. in °C  4–40 
Total height without bracket in mm, approx. 475
Total height with bracket in mm, approx.  500
Connec­tion height in mm  425
Distance to floor in mm  65 
Instal­la­tion length in mm; 125
Ø filter cartridge in mm  130
Weight in kg, approx. (dry/wet); 4.0/4.5
Filter replace­ment recom­mended after months 12
Order no. of filter cartridge  FS24M10A00

(1) Connec­tion thread options with BWT best­head FLEX

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