bestclear 2XL
bestclear 2XL

BWT best­clear

The Clar­i­fier

More infor­ma­tion


  • Partial desali­na­tion for small hospi­tality dish­washers
  • Multi-​level filtra­tion to reduce lime- scale and other drying elements in the water
  • Mini­mizes the use of deter­gent
  • Stain-​ and smear-​free crockery, glasses and cutlery
  • Less work for polishing glass and cutlery
  • Forms fine bubbles in sparkling wine and beer glasses

Product details

BWT best­clear is a special filter solu­tion designed to achieve outstanding dish­washing results. Today's restau­rant and catering guests have high expec­ta­tions. They attach great impor­tance to quality, service and perfec­tion down to the last detail. Restau­ra­teurs and caterers who take these demanding stan­dards seri­ously can turn to the BWT best­clear filter system as an inno­v­a­tive tool for dish­washing tech­nology.

Thanks to its special design, BWT best­clear ensures excel­lent dish­washing results: flaw­less table settings, bril­liantly sparkling glass­ware and cutlery that, shines, all combine to create the perfect ambi­ence for dining guests. And less work is needed for polishing glasses and cutlery, and ensuring perfect cham­pagne bubbles and a rich, golden head on beer and lager.

Tech­ni­cal bene­fits of BWT best­clear at a glance:

  • 5-​stage filtra­tion
  • Highly ef­ficient limescale protec­tion
  • Acti­vated char­coal fleece for consis­tently crystal-​clear water
  • Filtra­tion also of bypass water
  • Ease of handling when replacing the filter
  • Hori­zontal or vertical instal­la­tion
  • Suit­able for hot water feed up to 65

Tech­nical details

BWT best­clear


Connec­tion thread (in/out) (1)


Inlet pres­sure hot/cold water,
min. – max. in bar

2 – 6**

2 – 8

Water temper­a­ture, min. – max. in °C

4 – 65**

4 – 30

Ambient temper­a­ture, min. – max. in °C

4 – 40

Total height without bracket (A) in mm

570 – 580

Total height with bracket (B) in mm


Connec­tion height (C) in mm


Distance to floor (D) in mm


Instal­la­tion length (E) in mm


Ø filter cartridge (F) in mm


Pres­sure loss in bar (at 100/200 L/h)


Weight in kg, (dry/wet) approx.


Order no. of filter cartridge


** A pres­sure reducer must be installed upstream for hot water oper­a­tion!

(1) Connec­tion thread options with BWT best­head FLEX


BWT best­clear