BWT bestaqua ROC ULTRA
BWT bestaqua ROC ULTRA
BWT bestaqua ROC ULTRA
BWT bestaqua ROC ULTRA

BWT bestaqua ROC ULTRA

Universal water optimization for laboratories and medicine

More information
  • Innovative reverse osmosis system
  • Highly efficient and powerful - tailor-made for medical and laboratory technology
  • Permeate output 100 l/h
  • Efficient for the production of demineralized water in large quantities
  • Resource-saving plug-in technology - unpack, connect and get started
  • Simple control of the system via smartphone app
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Two BWT modules in perfect interaction for performance at the highest level



The BWT bestaqua MEBRANE is one of the most efficient reverse osmosis membranes in the world. It really comes into its own when the demand for pure water and the load of unwanted substances are high. Highly efficient, robust and durable, it creates the best conditions for refined coffee of standardized quality.

  • Typical capacity 120 L/h
  • High salt separation rate
  • Robust, durable, efficient

BWT best­demin PLUS


Tech­nical appli­ca­tions and medi­cine require deminer­al­ized water, which can be produced easily and effi­ciently from drinking water with our BWT best­demin PLUS filter system from drinking water.

A mixed-bed ion exchanger removes all dissolved salts from the raw water

  • BWT mixed-bed ion exchanger
  • High filter capacity in combi­na­tion with BWT membrane with a target conduc­tance of > 5µs/cm: approx. 1,600 liters* with target conduc­tivity of > 15µs/cm: approx. 2,000 liters*
+/- 20% depending on the mineral mix in the raw water.

Product details

Ultimate demineralization

High-purity water is required in many areas of application. Whether in the laboratory, in medicine or in technical applications, water that is practically free of salts and other undesirable substances is essential for the long-term safe and optimum functioning of the systems in operation.

In practice, high demands must be placed on the required water quantity and safe water quality. The pure water duo of the BWT bestaqua ROC ULTRA ensures both: a large proportion of all dissolved substances are removed from the raw water in a first stage with high throughput by means of reverse osmosis. In addition, a second stage with a special BWT ion exchanger technology ensures pure water - always of the highest defined quality. This means that the BWT bestaqua ROC ULTRA system reliably meets even the highest requirements for the quantity and quality of demineralized water.

Technical advantages

  • High permeate output of 100 l/h
  • High salt retention rate of > 97%
  • High permeate yield of up to 50%
  • Very compact and easy to service
  • Simple filter replacement without the use of tools

BWT Bestwater Professional APP

With the app, you can easily set and control all rele­vant oper­ating para­me­ters. For example, the desired dissolved salt content can be easily set and read live directly via the app (ROC Control). You will also find prac­tical tips and infor­ma­tion on all aspects of water opti­miza­tion and direct contact with your water + more contacts.
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BWT bestaqua ROC ULTRA

BWT bestaqua ROC ULTRA