Maximum flex­i­bility for all instal­la­tion condi­tions

Uniquely flex­ible

BWT best­head FLEX is a complete solu­tion that is unique world­wide.
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The BWT Best­head FLEX concept


One filter head for all filter cartridges

The key to simple and safe instal­la­tion of every filter cartridge is the connec­tion method. With the BWT best­head FLEX concept, we have rein­vented every­thing from scratch.

The result is a unique concept world­wide, tailor-​made for the require­ments of the gastronomy and vending busi­ness.

BWT best­head FLEX is a complete solu­tion that is unique world­wide, offering maximum flex­i­bility in all instal­la­tion situ­a­tions and every connec­tion permu­ta­tion.

Advan­tages of the BWT best­head FLEX

Safety – for every instal­la­tion

The BWT best­head FLEX concept with all its optional compo­nents does not require any addi­tional parts. From the tap, through the BWT best­head FLEX filter head to each appli­ance. All in a single flow and 100% food safe, without the risks posed by addi­tional connec­tion pieces.

Flex­i­bility – for every instal­la­tion situ­a­tion

With connec­tions which are flex­ibly adjustable through 30°, every BWT best­head FLEX filter head can be indi­vid­u­ally adapted to every instal­la­tion situ­a­tion, both in the water inlet, or the water outlet through to the appli­ance. Prob­lems asso­ci­ated with bent or kinked hoses are thus effec­tively prevented. Thanks to the huge range of FLEX connec­tions, the need for addi­tional compo­nents is removed. The right combi­na­tion of fittings make every instal­la­tion swift and secure. 

Safety – through 100% metal-​free instal­la­tion

All avail­able hoses and connec­tions of the BWT best­head FLEX concept are made 100% from food-​safe mate­rials. Our hoses do not contain any metal surfaces that could come into contact with water. Any risk of the release of e.g. heavy metal ions into the filtered water, as can be the case through corro­sive local pipe water, for example, is thereby excluded 100%.

Maximum flex­i­bility for every instal­la­tion situ­a­tion

How the BWT best­head FLEX concept works

BESTHEAD Flex Filtertechnologie
BESTHEAD Flex Filtertechnologie



  • Reli­ably lock­able bypass setting with clearly visible indi­cator
  • Clever new connec­tion method for high flex­i­bility during filter instal­la­tion
  • With EASY Vent flushing valve for simple and sample extrac­tion and venting
  • DVGW-​certified check valve at the inlet and outlet
  • Safe, leak-​free filter change
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