A project of AQUA Pearls For You and Planet Blue Foundation*

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Affordable, smart water for everyone, everywhere.
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A project of AQUA PEARLS For You and Planet Blue Foundation


Together, we can make the world a bit better – sip by sip. Become part of our mission!
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b.water blue b.water blue

Projects of
AQUA PEARLS Foun­da­tion:


Sustainable Water Systems

With any dona­tion you can make a differ­ence.


Support b.water­MIS­SION, a project of AQUA PEARLS For You and Planet Blue Foun­da­tion. With this project, we have set ourselves the goal of building wells in mainly rural areas of Africa, thereby ensuring the access to clean drinking water. With b.water­MIS­SION, the basis for the sustain­able and reli­able imple­men­ta­tion is already set. Now it is our (joint) task to build as many taps as possible.

Our targets for the building of taps:

Creating awareness, that water – the elixir of life – is of VALUE.

Ensuring sustainable operation via online monitoring and on-site maintenance:

  • Construction of several thousand taps in the next few years
  • Access to safe and clean drinking water
  • Ensuring, that nobody has to walk further than 150 m to the next tapping point
BWT and b.water in the Gambia BWT and b.water
“Before the tap was only open at 9am to 12pm and in the evening also 5-6pm. It was so difficult for us, honestly. It’s so perfect now, because anytime you need water you can get it, even at midnight.”
Asanatou Mballow, Female Villager, Jarreng

How it works

The b.waterMISSION tap is an intelligent water dispenser which ensures, that the operation is technically monitored. All income can be tracked, controlled, and used transparently by private organizations or authorities to be able to pay for the ongoing maintenance of the systems.

BWT and b.water
BWT and b.water in the Gambia

Payment via mobile phone and NFC technology

The villagers can use their mobile phone to purchase a b.water­MIS­SION credit, which is saved on the b.water­MIS­SION tag. With remote prepay­ment, trace­able water credits can be sent to the taps by author­i­ties, the local villagers, but also by donors all around the world.

The b.water­MIS­SION tech­nology even works in rural areas with poor data connec­tions, as low-bandwidth mobile connec­tion is used. In remote areas, the NFC tech­nology enables the consumers to load the credit directly on the tag and there­with source water from the tap.

ewater CSR kampány Afrikában

b.water­MIS­SION taps

The use of the Internet of Things (IoT) and NFC technology make it possible, to save the b.waterMISSION credit on the b.waterMISSION tag. The amount of water used is deducted from the credit on the tag. By scanning the tag on the fountain, the water comes out of the tap. The income guarantees the sustainable operation and maintenance of the taps. All data regarding water consumption and the status of the taps are monitored by live tracking of the entire tap system.

Real-​time data and statis­tics

The b.water­MIS­SION taps directly commu­ni­cate with a cloud-​based analysis soft­ware, which contin­u­ously provides data about the water system in real time. The soft­ware records all trans­ac­tions in a central data­base for trans­parent reporting. Due to this tech­nical remote moni­toring, oper­a­tional and perfor­mance prob­lems of each indi­vidual tap can be iden­ti­fied quickly. Low flow rates and malfunc­tions are detected and enable the oper­a­tions and main­te­nance teams to act quickly.

Why b.water­MIS­SION?

With any donation, you can make a difference.

b.water­MIS­SION is a project to support the sustain­able access to water in Africa.

Bene­fits of clean water:

  • Improve­ment of the general health of the popu­la­tion, espe­cially in rural areas
  • Chil­dren can go to school instead of carrying water over long distances

Bene­fits of a sustain­able water system:

  • Less waste of water and access to the taps 24/7
  • Short distance to the taps

Become a b.water­MIS­SION partner NOW!

Donate to AQUA PEARLS For You and Planet Blue Foun­da­tion

Donate to:

IBAN: AT76 3432 2000 0004 0261 | BIC: RZOOAT2L322

IBAN: AT10 1200 0100 3627 4743 | BIC: BKAU­ATWW 

Build a b.water­MIS­SION tap with BWT:

  • 3.500€ financed by You
  • 3.500€ financed by BWT
  • BWT guar­an­tees the funding for every b.water­MIS­SION tap (incl. prefi­nancing)

Donate water for the local people:

  • With 5€ per year, one African can be supplied with safe and clean drinking water
BWT and b.water in the Gambia BWT and b.water


As a donor, you have the following options:
  • You are personally named on the b.waterMISSION tap
  • You have access to the data, in order to have a look at the water consumption and the sustainability data

About AQUA Pearls Foun­da­tion*

* AQUA Pearls – For You and Planet Blue.
A private char­i­table, non-profit foun­da­tion by BWT.

The AQUA PEARLS For You and Planet Blue Foun­da­tion supports the project b.water­MIS­SION for sustain­able taps and water supply in Africa.


  • Estab­lished in December 2016 by BWT in accor­dance with the provi­sions of the Austrian Private Foun­da­tion Act
  • Annu­ally: Audit and confir­ma­tion via Audit Report

Foun­da­tion’s purpose:

  • Improving the access to clean drinking water around the world
  • Fighting against poverty, partic­u­larly against the lack of clean drinking water
  • Promoting sustain­ability, espe­cially the economic use of water resources
  • Protecting the envi­ron­ment, espe­cially the water cycles, and threat­ened species

Why donate to AQUA PEARLS Foun­da­tion?

  • 100% of all dona­tions are invested in the projects
  • No admin­is­tra­tive expenses
  • Dona­tions to the AQUA PEARLS Foun­da­tion are tax-​deductible in Austria

BWT Distance Award

Meter by meter - drop by drop - let's change the world together!

As part of the BWT Distance Award, every meter jumped in all individual competitions in the current season counts. One tap is built every 18,000 meters. 

Kubacki Kubacki