
BWT best­taste

The improver 

More infor­ma­tion
  • Acti­vated carbon filter system for opti­mising water for the restau­rant and catering industry
  • Removes parti­cles, off-​flavour compo­nents and chlo­rine from raw water
  • Ideal for opti­mising cold water served from any water dispenser
  • Used for raw water with low limescale content, also in hot beverage makers
  • Simple instal­la­tion via universal BWT best­head FLEX connec­tion tech­nology
  • High sensory quality of the filtrate

Product details

BWT best­taste filter cartridges deliver the best water for vending machines, coffee machines and water dispensers. Any existing partic­u­lates and off-​flavour unpleasant tastes or odours are reli­ably elim­i­nated.

This ensures that all dispensed cold and hot bever­ages are lent their optimum flavour. It like­wise enhances the sensory quality of water from water dispensers.

BWT best­taste 20 filter cartridges with inte­grated pre-​filtration are ideally suited for pre-​filtration upstream of BWT bestaqua ROC reverse osmosis systems.

Tech­nical advan­tages of BWT best­taste at a glance:

  • Inte­grated particle pre-​filtration
  • High-​quality acti­vated carbon
  • Acti­vated char­coal fleece for consis­tently crystal-​clear water
  • Reduces the heavy-​metal content of water
  • Ease of handling when replacing the filter
  • Hori­zontal or vertical instal­la­tion

Tech­nical details

BWT best­taste type S X 20
Connec­tion thread (in/out), (1) vari­able vari­able vari­able
Inlet pres­sure, min. – max. in bar 2–8 2–8 2-8
Water temper­a­ture, min. – max. in °C 4–30 4–30 4–30
Ambient temper­a­ture, min. – max. in °C 4–40 4–40 4–40
Total height without bracket in mm, approx. 280 360 360
Total height with bracket in mm, approx. 305 385 385
Connec­tion height in mm 226 306 344
Distance to floor in mm 65 65 65
Instal­la­tion length in mm 125 125 125
Ø filter cartridge in mm 88 88 100
Weight in kg, approx. (dry/wet) 0.5/1.1 0.9/1.5 1.9/2.8
Filter replace­ment recom­mended after months 12 12 12
Order no. of filter cartridge FS20A00A00 FS22A10A00 125252022

(1) Connec­tion thread options with BWT best­head FLEX


BWT best­taste